Keeping a Stiff Upper Lip, regardless...

The tin man: the making of a moustache wax

Posted on June 03, 2020 by Captain P. Fawcett

It is 4th June, the Founding Day of Captain Fawcett Ltd in this, his magnificent 10th Anniversary year. We begin with a tin.

10 years ago, upon the stove of a humble kitchen in a sleepy English backwater, a short hairy man was cooking up something quite remarkable.

Some days before, whilst on a motorcycle journey from Cambodia to Kathmandu, this familiar figure, had taken a wrong turn and ended up in Fakenham. There he came across the contents sale of a decaying stately home where a singular item caught his eye...a battered trunk! He forced the lock! Therein was a dressing case neatly packed with salves and unguents, their exotic ingredients meticulously listed in a sequence of leather-bound journals. Good Lord! Captain Fawcett’s own exquisite travelling requisites had at last come to light...

The Right Hand Man, for, indeed, it was he, lit his sputtering stove and began to remake the Captain’s particular moustache wax according to the original formula. Never had he encountered such a stiffener! Surely this was the holy grail of male grooming! As such it must be shared! Naive to commercial value, a modest 100 jars were purchased and adorned with labels fashioned in Illminster. Thus it was that Captain Fawcett’s delectable lavender moustache wax, once produced purely for his personal use, became available to discerning gentlemen of the 21st century.

10 years ago, as the Right Hand Man stirred his scented wax in an old baked bean can, little did he know that this experiment would lead to marvellous adventures across the globe, the like of which he had never imagined.

As luck would have it, during these strange early months of 2020, the Right Hand Man was exploring the furthest reaches of his own attic in search of his old gentleman’s grooming kit. Astonishingly, in a battered brown envelope the RH Man had found the last 100 labels which survived that original experiment 10 years ago. These charmingly old-fashioned roundels now adorn a very special 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Wax.

The fate of Captain Fawcett’s final, doomed expedition remains a mystery, yet in your hands you may well hold a whisper of his strange, eventful history.

Fast forward a really quite incredible 10 years, with many wonders seen. Without your quite extraordinary and most astounding loyal support that aforementioned little fellow in Norfolk would still be alone with his bean tin.

I now raise a Founding Day glass of Gentleman’s Stiffener to all friends, old, new and those I have yet to meet. I am most honoured to share my Limited Edition Moustache Wax with you.

Carry on.

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Captain Fawcett's Emporium & Marvellous Barbershop Museum.
Friesian Way, King's Lynn, Norfolk PE30 4JQ United Kingdom

It should be noted that Captain Fawcett and his adventures are a work of wild and fanciful imagination.
Any resemblance between the characters and persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

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